
Newtown Family just reading the sad news regards Grassroots football and the FA guidelines that the season looks to be finishing for 2019/2020.Currently we are awaiting confirmation from the leagues which our teams play in as to how they will finalize, as we have teams running for league winners and also in Cup finals. Once we have this information we will pass onto coaches you the parents and most importantly the CHILDREN who im sure at this moment will be finding things very hard to take in

All this said WE need to ensure the children know what a fantastic season they have had in all our teams, ive had the pleasure to watch Grassroots kickers right up to our older age groups playing and enjoying the great game and the wonderful offering Newtown Sports has given for all to enjoy.

As a club we need to pull our community spirit even more at this testing time to ensure not only OUR football club, but also our neighbouring clubs and the wider Malvern community are safe and well and together we will achieve more. We also need to look towards the future and the great times that will be back at NEWTOWN SPORTS FC once we are officially allowed to do so.

So Newtown Family hang in there with us support us and most importantly lets come back stronger from this set back

Kind regards and #staysafe

Nick, Mike, Alec, Julie


As a club Newtown Sports Fc have been a part of the community for 40 yrs and this season sees us celebrating that as A Chartered community club. We would like to invite ex players, committee members and coaches along to help celebrate the great work this club has done over the 40 yrs for so many children and families. We are holding a event at Malvern Town FC on Saturday 9th of May 7pm We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible to celebrate the achievement over the last 40yrs.

See you there Nick hayes – wilson & Mike Phillips Co chairman Newtown Sports FC


Great morning at our final Grassroots kickers session before the christmas break at Newtown sports Fc our little kickers playing there games and getting there selection boxrs from the coaches ?.

Also we had some guests from Hereford FC taking in the sessions and watching our boys playing today big thanks guys for spending the time with us and appreciate especially at such a busy time and we look forward to roaring Hereford on at the home games during the christmas break.

Have a great christmas break all and look forward to the new year and lots more football and fun ?

Nick Hayes Wilson (Co Chairman)



Newtown Sports Fc wish to pass on their thanks for the great fireworks and Christmas Night. We managed to arrange over £1000 for the club. We hope everyone had a fantastic time and this money will help the club improve your child’s experience.


Newtown Sports Fc are proud to announce our very own Fireworks display for the players and parents of the club this will be held at Greenhill Drive on Saturday 23rd November starting from around 5.30pm The display will take place around 7.30pm. We will also have a burger /hot dogs stall along with hot drinks, sweet stall, Christmas gift stall and our club merchandise shop.

There will be donation buckets around on the night to help raise much needed funds for running our club as this is a free event for Newtown players and parents .The area is a none alcohol area so ask that you all please adhere to this and do not bring any.

There will be a safety zone which I ask that you all ensure you take note of and keep to so that the event can take place without issues.

Please also note we ask that you don’t park in Greenhill Drive in front of any residents houses.

All that it leaves me to say is I hope you enjoy the night and can come and support your club See you there Nick + Mike Co Chairman Newtown Sports FC


Newtown is so excited to announce that we can now offer Girls Football for girls school year 1,2 & 3 on Wednesday nights 5.30-6.30. If you have a daughter interested and would like to try please bring her along. The older girls group runs at the same time so lots of support around and happy faces. Please contact us for more information.


Congratulations to our newest members to the coaching of Newtown Sports FC Julie Hooper and Samantha Ann Hayes-Wilson have currently completed their level 1 fa Course. They are now looking forward to taking the role of coaches at our Ladies Development squad and also looking to link with Great Malvern Primary school on a Premier league Reading stars initiative getting children to read books whilst enjoying football skills they will be undertaking this on behalf of Newtown Sports and the school another great link between grass roots football and the local community.

At Newtown Sports Fc we pride ourselves on being there for our local community and supporting where we can. We’ll done ladies and I’m sure you will be fantastic and look forward to watching some of the sessions.


Folks we are looking to hold a pumpkin carving competion the children can complete these at home and will need you as parents to send in pictures of the art work. As a club we will donate a £20 voucher for Iskitz to the winner after our panel of highly qualified judges Wayne Whittaker, Wayne Davis, Julie Hooper, Kerry Williams cast there vote.

The competion will run until 30th October so all entries will need to be in by close of play on the date stated there is no cost to enter this Fun competion.

Marcel and myself look forward to seeing the creations the children make, happy Halloween from all at Newtown Sports Fc



One of our great sponsors Startin Renault Worcester invite you to come and see a proper formula one car. This event is for one day only and is on the 16th of October. Visit their facebook page for more information.