Newtown Family just reading the sad news regards Grassroots football and the FA guidelines that the season looks to be finishing for 2019/2020.Currently we are awaiting confirmation from the leagues which our teams play in as to how they will finalize, as we have teams running for league winners and also in Cup finals. Once we have this information we will pass onto coaches you the parents and most importantly the CHILDREN who im sure at this moment will be finding things very hard to take in
All this said WE need to ensure the children know what a fantastic season they have had in all our teams, ive had the pleasure to watch Grassroots kickers right up to our older age groups playing and enjoying the great game and the wonderful offering Newtown Sports has given for all to enjoy.
As a club we need to pull our community spirit even more at this testing time to ensure not only OUR football club, but also our neighbouring clubs and the wider Malvern community are safe and well and together we will achieve more. We also need to look towards the future and the great times that will be back at NEWTOWN SPORTS FC once we are officially allowed to do so.
So Newtown Family hang in there with us support us and most importantly lets come back stronger from this set back
Kind regards and #staysafe
Nick, Mike, Alec, Julie